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Vercise™ Genus P16 and R16 brain pacemakers from Boston Scientific side by side

Deep Brain Stimulation medical devices

Boston Scientific’s DBS systems offer one of the most advanced therapies on the market - safe, precise and tailored to your individual needs.

At Boston Scientific, we have Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) options to fit your life. Your specialist care team will take you through the best options suited to your needs.

Types of Implantable Pulse Generators (IPGs)

There are two types of devices available:

Image of Vercise Genus™ R16 Vercise Genus™ R16 | Rechargeable - Lasts at least 25 years* - To avoid future surgeries.
Image of Vercise Genus™ P16 Vercise Genus™ P16 | Non-rechargeable - Lasts about 3–5 years* - The thinnest dual-channel device available.

What is the difference?

Icon showing rechargeable DBS device

Vercise Genus™ R16 system

should provide at least 25 years*, this requires you to recharge the device. This is very simple to do and information on this can be found here.

Designed to provide precise therapy with less risk of side effects. It also provides programming capabilities to allow your doctor to adapt and fine-tune your stimulation as your needs change. Because of its rechargeable battery life, this is an ideal option if you want to minimize future battery-replacement surgeries.

Icon showing non rechargeable DBS device

Vercise Genus™ P16 system

should provide at least 3.5 years*, after this period of time you will need to undergo surgery for a replacement device. This device does not need to be re-charged.

May be preferred if you do not want a rechargeable option and are not concerned with repeat surgeries required to replace your battery every 3-5 years. This stimulator is the thinnest dual-chamber, non rechargeable battery on the market. The thin, contoured shape of this battery is designed to maximize your comfort and reduce its visibility after implantation.

*Battery life is dependent on the stimulation settings and conditions.

What makes Boston Scientific DBS systems unique?

As you think about your DBS options, it is important to consider the programming of the device. The programming of the device – how your therapy is set-up, delivered, and maintained over time – ensures you are receiving therapy that meets your needs.

Typically, DBS programming is perfected over time. Getting to a point in the therapy that balances symptoms and side-effects can take some time and is achieved over many programming sessions.

We have accepted the challenge to improve this process. Our solution: Image Guided DBS provides your physician the ability to see exactly where your leads are located and exactly where your stimulation needs to be delivered.

We hear often – How do you know the leads are in the right place? Or if my condition changes, can my therapy change too? Image Guided DBS answers both questions.

See how Image Guided DBS works:

Image of guided DBS: collected images

Images are collected during your DBS procedure.

Image of guided DBS: evaluation of lead locations

Collected images are evaluated to see the exact location of your leads.

Image of guided DBS: import to programming software

The images are loaded into the programming software and therapy is programmed precisely – based on the location of your leads. ​

Image of guided DBS: adjustment stimulation

Stimulation can be adjusted to minimize side affects, at the initial programming and in the future. ​


Giving you your time back.

When your device is programmed with Image Guided DBS you may spend less time in your programming sessions.** A recent study of 10 patients showed an initial programming time of 20 minutes; this is less than half the time typically spent in a session. The study concluded that Image Guided Programming drastically reduces programming time without compromising symptom control and patient satisfaction.¹

Icon showing: give your time back
Elderly woman is pushed into MR tube by doctor

MRI conditionality

All our products are MRI-Conditional. As with any metal implanted device (e.g. pacemakers) precautions must be taken if a patient is to have an MRI scan. Boston Scientific have ensured that patients implanted Vercise Genus™ R16 or Vercise Genus™ P16 may have an MRI scan provided that the system conditions are met.

Your specialist team will be able to provide you more information in regards to MRI-conditionality. As a patient your responsibility before attending an MRI appointment is to ensure your patient control is fully charged and if you have Vercise Genus™ R16 this is also fully charged.

To be able to have an MRI scan, your specialist will put your stimulator into MRI-mode which will de-activate your device for the duration of your scan. Your specialist team will ensure you have been given the appropriate medical care to manage the return of symptoms before performing an MRI scan.

The Vercise Genus™ DBS System, Vercise Gevia™ DBS System, and Vercise™ DBS Lead-only system (before Stimulator is implanted) provide safe access to full-body MRI scans when used with specific components and the patient is exposed to the MRI environment under specific conditions defined in the supplemental manual ImageReady™ MRI Guidelines for Boston Scientific DBS Systems.
Man sitting in nature talks about the potential of DBS therapy
Unlock the full potential of DBS therapy

Do you already have a DBS device that needs to be replaced in the near future? Then you might be able to benefit from the innovative therapy options offered by Boston Scientific. We offer the possibility of switching to a Boston Scientific device with the help of special adapters.

A questioning middle-aged man ponders questions about deep brain stimulation (DBS)


Here you will find the answers you need about the whole DBS journey.

Elderly woman in the living room searches for DBS clinic on the internet with her laptop

Where can I find the closest Deep Brain Stimulation clinic?

With our clinic finder, you can locate the nearest DBS centre.

This material is for informational Purposes only and not meant for medical diagnosis. This information does not constitute medical or legal advice, and Boston Scientific makes no representation regarding the medical benefits included in this information. Boston Scientific strongly recommends that you consult with your physician on all matters pertaining to your health.

CAUTION: The law restricts these devices to sale by or on the order of a physician. Indications, contraindications, warnings, and instructions for use can be found in the product labelling supplied with each device or at www.IFU-BSCI.com. Products shown for INFORMATION purposes only and may not be approved or for sale in certain countries. This material not intended for use in France.


** Results from case studies are not necessarily predictive of results in other case studies. Results in other studies may vary.

1. Lange F, 2021, Front. Neurol. doi: 10.3389/FNEUR.2021.785529/BIBTEX